Writing has been a good outlet for me to express what I truly feel inside. It can be my thoughts or just simply, a point of view. It has also guided me to make short stories about life, love and anything that would make my heart beat fast as I would type along the keys of my laptop.
I started to write in my last years of primary education. Then, it sparked my interest in journalism and the elements that make up the press. It was a dream to be journalist but destiny lead me to the paramedical world. I am a nurse by profession and have practiced it for almost 2 years. I can say that I never left writing as I continued to write even when I was journeying through the world of Nursing.
The Nursing world opened endless knowledge for me which in turn helped me with my writing. Holistically, it lead to paths that respect and take into consideration, all aspects of life in writing. Each being has its own perception about the things in this life. Nursing helped me to understand all of these.
During my childhood years, everyday was Sesame Street day. I never missed an episode and I would learn new things each day. This was one of the many influences I had growing up. I treated it as the safest and happiest place on Earth which was the street that everyone knows. I grew up to learn English this way.
I have made some blogs before but I think this one would be very interesting. I even thought about the introduction as my first post in this blog site. The blogs I had before were not viewed by thousands, nor hundreds. It was a humble blog that was read on an average of 2 in a day, sometimes even zero views. Having a "popular,well read blog" was not the goal (although it would be very cool). I was sharing my mind. It is my idea and everyone can read it. And I even hope that others would learn from it.
Why "Mga Kwentong Plastic Cup"(Stories from a plastic cup)?
I was listening to TV Mass one time and I heard the presiding Priest talk about a plastic cup. For many, its just a cup; an object to use in drinking; a temporary container for trash; a man's garbage and another man's treasure. Then the priest said that someone said to him that the cup represents a person.
We are all cups in this world.; to be filled with learning and love as we continue to live. Of course, there are challenges that would make the cup spill. But then again, it gets filled right away.
One would get to know stories with cups: over a cup of coffee, an afternoon date with a cup of fruit juice, a drinking session with a cup of soda as the chaser or just chilling in the bar with a cup of booze.
A cup is all it takes for stories to be told; for thoughts to be expressed; and for ideas to be shared.
In this blog, I will share with you my cup of life's never ending tales. I am opening my mind and heart to hear more about life,love and lessons through stories shared with a cup.
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