Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reunion Part 1

"Hello?....  Yeah.... I'm on the way! Give me 20 minutes more. See you"

There were many things I needed to do that I forgot about the time. I was to meet my friends at Starbucks but I left the house an hour late. When I remembered that I was seeing them after weeks, I became excited. I haven’t seen them that much and now we will reunite like the old days. I was smiling when I remembered those days when we would chill at our favorite place, eat our barkada food and just be with each other.  It made me feel good about how my social life was.

Suddenly, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Someone will be there who I haven’t seen in a very long time: a friend who moved to Eurpoe and lived there for 5 years, the person who I was Skyping with for the past 4 months, the person who made me feel like my love life was blooming into something. Her name was Stacy.

Stacy Dominguez was a high school chum who were also friends with my barkada. She was the campus crush and was part of the school’s gymnastics team. She was “The Girl” I thought was for me. Since I was the nerdy Chess club president, we didn’t have much to share in common. She was outgoing, friendly, cute, perky and known. On the other hand, I was the normal guy. Just being behind the scenes was fine with me. Too close to be invisible. But I was fine with my school status before.  Besides, high school wasn’t that bad for me.

As I drove closer to the place I was thinking aloud.

You don’t have to worry. It will be fine. Just imagine it to be like video calling through Skype.  She will not notice everything you will do. It’s just Stacy. Be cool.

I parked the car at the rear end of the shop so that I will have time to look through the window on where they were located. As I stopped, I looked at my myself in the rear view mirror and said,
Don’t worry. Be cool. It’s just Stacy.

As I stepped out from my car, I can hear my heart beating; slowly gaining a pace that was higher than the normal. As I walked closer, I took a deep breath and opened the shop door; took my sunglasses off and went directly to their group’s table.

You better give me a good reason why you were late, Jake” said Peter: my best friend. He was the one who called me an hour ago and asked where I was. He sort of saved my ass from forgetting what day was today. He always saves my ass. He was like a brother.  Among the group of 13, he was the closest to me. We went to Med.School together but he decided to take another major.

"Give him a break Peter. I’m sure he didn’t do that on purpose”, said Josie; the group’s resident counselor. “Even hot shot doctors like Jake deserve to be given tardy moments. Right Doc?

I smiled back and gave her a hug.

Peter reserved a chair for me beside him. I went to the counter to take my order: Caramel Macchiato. This is my favorite coffee. And yes, I’m the type who likes to drink some sweet type of coffee.

I went back to the group with my coffee looking only at the floor. I didn’t really want to scan at the people around. My heart was still pounding with the thought I had while driving. I noticed that some people were not there yet. It could have appeared that I had a question on my face while drinking my coffee because Josie said to me that John, David, Sarah, Michelle and Stacy was still on the way.

I was dumbfounded with her saying that information as I was just having the question in my head. Maybe she could read minds. Then I remembered that she was one of the city’s best Clinical Psychologists.

I smiled back.

On the way”, I thought to myself.

Since they were still on the way, I was able to convince myself to relax and be calm. I mean, what’s there to be anxious and nervous about? I told myself that there was no reason for me to be jittery.

I slowly drank my coffee while everyone shared some stories and asked about what was new with each other. Then I heard David’s voice from behind me as I was sitting with my back facing the entrance door.

Whoah! Airport traffic was horrible. Sorry for being late guys!” said David.

Well, what’s important is that you are already here” said Catherine; the nurse in the group.

I didn’t look back and focused on the coffee I had on my hand. I was sitting calmly on my chair but inside my mind I was telling my body not to move and look at the door.

Then I heard this familiar voice.

Oh my gosh! I miss these faces!

 (to be continued)